Keira Knightley's funny seduction

Keira Knightley says the best way to get her into bed is to make her laugh.

The actress - who stars in upcoming movie 'The Edge of Love', which is about Welsh poet Dylan Thomas - finds a good sense of humour very attractive in a man.

She said: "I think people get laughed into bed, don't they?"

Although Keira doesn't think the late Dylan Thomas was a good looking man, she can understand why women were attracted to him because of his wonderful poetry.

The 'Pirates of the Caribbean' actress - who stars opposite Matthew Rhys, who portrays Dylan, in the movie - explained to Total Film magazine: "Dylan Thomas did s**g around but you look at pictures of him and he was no hunk. However, his poetry is extraordinary. He's a mischief-maker, a puck. He just wants to prod and see what happens.

"There is a spirit and a sexiness to Matthew Rhys' Dylan that's quite dangerous because you know he's a s**t. But that doesn't mean he's not attractive. Do you think only nice blokes get girls into bed?"


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